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Functions Of Fence Houses
Fence House
Welcome, The development of an increasingly dynamic place the fence is not just a protective barrier and residents for giving out a sense of security and flexibility activities of its inhabitants. However, over the fence also adds value artistic and become a part of home decor. The use of materials, textures, and colors are right will result in a fence in accordance with the overall character of the house.

In principle there are two fences is a function of physical and psychological functioning, including the following:

- Judging from its physical function is to act as a barrier fence of ownership of the land or goods. The existence of a fence in a house would restrict the area to be an owner. In addition to the area, goods or objects that are covered within the fence is also a property, such as a table, area, lawn chairs, fruit crops and ornamental plants. Land that is built must have a fence. It aims to assert that the existing land ownership rights so as to prevent the emergence of illegal settlements or illegal buildings.

- Judging from its physical function is the presence of a fence can create a sense of security and calm for the residents. At night, residents can sleep safely because the fence was locked. If the shape and material used, a fence also serves as a protector. That is, the fence can protect home and occupants of the things that are not desirable within certain limits.


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