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Welcome, Is the good results of the design / design depends only from the outside? Or is there something else to consider, such as materials, construction and so forth to produce good design and correct?

How to Design a Good Home?
Good House Design
There are several things to consider carefully the overall design in order to be good and true , namely:

- The purpose of

- Desire user

- Form / impression / external appearance

- Materials used

- Construction

- Ways of making

Examples are wood cabinets, although strengthened with iron plates and bolts, still has not produced a design that works well. This example shows a lack of knowledge of materials (wood)

Limited support for the small door cupboard with good function. Technology is not good cause. Cracked and warped wood though arrested iron. It is a lack of unfamiliarity of the material.

In the planning, design goals must be clear first. The more obvious design goals, the easier the next step. Materials should be fit for purpose. This is achieved by considering the relationship-ridge like:


For example:

Chemical resistance: easy to clean Formica.

Materials - Shape / Reaction

For example:

Arch form: the pipe, rattan

Modern: glass, stainless steel

-Construction materials

For example:

Major dimensions: softwood

- Load

Small dimensions: metal

In this way, the design will be easily understood and characterized.


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