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Replacing Fences

Based on its location on the front lines, of course, the fence has added value in improving the character of a house if they are designed according to desires and tastes of homeowners. Created the impression you want to passersby in front of the house and see a fence you can choose from. If the fence is good and interesting, it will make people look directly interested in looking further into.

Tiny house fence design should not be too complicated and colorful. Choose the shape is sleek, simple, and proportional to the house. The size of a high fence, large, and looks "manly" would be nice and fit to house a large and extensive as in the homes of the elite. Because, despite a high fence, but because his house is also large, then the sight of the house will remain clearly visible from the outside. While for the house tiny type, you should not use a high fence. Later the house will actually closed all. Select only the fence too small or transparent.

Changing Garden Home

As representations of nature park can you present to the house. You can bring the natural environment by creating parks, both in front, behind, or beside the house. Should select plants that easy maintenance and care. Note also how quickly the plants grow and develop, plus how many plants that need sunlight and water to be able to grow optimally. Thus, you can decide whether to use a special gardener or not for its maintenance phase.

Changing the Frame

If your door jamb shape already looks outdated, replacement sills could be an alternative. Selection of type of door frames that are used in a home can provide images of the occupants of the house. Is friendly, warm, and open or arrogant, cold, and closed?

To the extreme, you could take the example of a white door with a material made of aluminum and glass transparent, it will certainly give the impression that both open and friendly. Conversely, a steel plate without a cavity door painted black to give the impression of a sturdy, rigid, and closed. Impression of a sturdy and can also be created by giving architrave on both sides so that the door to appear larger than the original. Merging with other elements, like unto a wall of natural stone or granite is hard character, will help create a rigid and sturdy character of the main door.

Color Changing Paint

Color is one important element in our lives because of the color can change a person's mood or feelings, creating an atmosphere, and increase the passion or spirit of work. As is common on the creatures and plants that exist in nature, in general we can choose to use color to achieve two things.

The first one to disguise, and the second is to expose, to attract attention, or highlight a state of the environment. So, in order to create a new atmosphere, but in a way that is most easily done and has a high economic value, change the paint color of your house. It is more often done if we are getting bored with the look of the house, but we do not want to spend too much.

Changing Facade Materials

As looking exterior, it would be good if you use materials that are relatively resistant to weathering. Choose a natural stone that has a porosity / holes are small and hard character such as andesite, granite, or stone. It will reduce the possibility of damage, mildew, and moss. Do not forget to give the coating / special coating of natural stone, so the colors remain natural and do not easily fade throughout the year due to moisture and heat.

To view or exposed brick exposed concrete, should be coated with coatings. Similarly, the choice of brick used for the exposure is different from ordinary bricks. To view a acian can use waterproof exterior paint that can be easily obtained at the nearest hardware store. Not to forget, for a side and rear layers of paint are waterproof to avoid pervasiveness of water that can cause damage.

For the use of ceramic, marble, or granite, you can choose a relatively rough surface that is easy to clean but not slippery. Choose a slightly better quality, so it is not easily damaged and faded. Better yet, if using homogeneus tile, marble, or granite that is relatively durable. All of the above will eventually be returned to you each. Apart from compatibility issues and tastes, new nuances that appear around us will always give a new spirit and nuances that are identical plus thick with matters of hygiene, updates, also the creative spirit.


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