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Balcony view to Fit Style Houses
Balcony view to Fit Style Houses
Tiny space like this is always used as a terrace area to relax while enjoying the view from the second floor. If looks set with the corresponding concept, will certainly add beauty of your home's balcony.

Balcony rooms are often used as an extension, is always displayed with a distinctive shape. The balcony serves as a conduit of open space on the second floor. In addition, the tiny upstairs terrace also serves to beautify the building facades.

Along with the development, the present model there is a balcony that can be directly mounted. However, the weakness of this model is not going to last long. "The presence of a balcony on the second floor of the house is very important. The balcony is the main regulator of the circulation on the second floor and as a regulator of the lighting in that space, "says architect Wisnu Brata.

In the model the balcony, the main steps that must be considered is harmonize with the building design model homes. It aims to provide common style facade balcony with your residence. Take the example of modern minimalist style house more suitable to apply the simple size balcony with a blend of aluminum metal. To make the appearance look beautiful, you can add the flowering vines there.

If you have a classic-themed housing, a balcony with a large size and combined ornaments carved flowers on the fence could be applied. In addition, flowering plants can also create the impression of friendly and shade on the classic-style balcony.

Balcony view would be different if your residential natural style. In this style, the balcony can be displayed with a size that is not too large. Coco wood rattan species can be used as a complementary view of the natural balcony.

"To choose the model of the balcony, you should adjust the style and appearance of the facade of residential homes. This is to give a harmonious and in accordance with the function of the balcony, "said Vishnu.

One thing to watch on the balcony is a frame structure or construction. Balcony structures usually use a pole that can withstand the load. This pole can be used as pillars to give accent to the look of the house.

"The structure of the framework on the balcony should be made to form a monolith. Structure with a framework like this can support the weight of the pressure force. Wood materials can also be used as filler material order, provided it has sufficient dimension, "added Brown.

Elements of wood and steel is always used as a top choice for decorating the balcony of the house. Types of rattan wood, camphor, and wood resin is often used to decorate the balcony. "The basic ingredients of wood more often be selected because of impressive natural wood and can be used on any residential model," said Vishnu.

Although wood can be applied in a variety of residential style, but this material still has weaknesses. The weakness lies in its treatment of wood is quite complicated and routine. You must be diligent in order to inject liquid anti-termite wood can last a long time. Besides wood, you can also use steel as the material balcony.

In addition to material selection, style, and structure of the balcony, you must also consider the location of the balcony. Note the rotation of the sun. The layout of the balcony was able to establish the appropriate treatment of its own balcony. The exact location of balconies and roof fitting display serves as an antidote to direct sunlight.

The fence is also very important part of the balcony. To make it, you can use any materials. Red brick often become the primary choice. "In addition to the strong nature of the brick, red brick fence can also survive for long. However, application of a red brick fence is quite complicated because there must be a holder structure, "said Vishnu.

Railing currently has many types that can be tailored to the style of your home. Railing made of iron plus metal wire can be applied to residential style minimalist and usually form a little more simple. In addition to iron and metal wire fence, fence designs of glass can also be an alternative to the more elegant choice.

Balcony view to Fit Style Houses
Balcony view to Fit Style Houses

"In applying the glass railings for the balcony, which first must be considered is its thickness. Keep the glass has a minimum thickness of 8-12 millimeters. In addition, you should select the type of tempered glass, "advises Wishnu.


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