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Looking for Strategic Land to Build Houses
Looking for Strategic Land to Build Houses
Welcome, Before we plan to build our buildings, it helps us Think carefully the location of the land to be built, because it will affect all to the fore, here we give you tips to find appropriate land to build.

1. The location is easily accessible, this meant that we could easily reach destination nowhere, for example close to highway and access to hospitals, to shopping malls, etc.

2. Availability of flow of water taps and water sources, we can not be denied that the water is very important and some of our clients complained about the average water sources that are less good, so it is used for washing clothes though difficult, so the risk is purchasing water outside, so please note true source of the water.

3. Level ground level, in a situation like this season is very important to think about our land flood-free and higher than other regions because it influences all for the future.

4. These documents must be complete land documents began AJB and SHM, so there is no land problem in the future. Try if you make transactions directly asked for AJB in front of Notary

A few explanations from us and hopefully can help you to prepare for the home / building, taking into account the above aspects.


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