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Watch movies with widescreen and a booming voice did not have to go to the movies. You can create it at home by building a home theater.

In addition to watching movies, home theater also functioned as a family room, karaoke, and play games. Watching movies is still a major entertainment medium that favored the public after a weary struggle with office tasks.

In addition to the means to gather with family, movies often become a "runaway event" of the myriad of work that seemed never-ending. However, not least also the people who choose his rest time spent lazing at home.

The reason is quite simple, have a week outside the home, why would the holidays be still "socialize" with the outside environment. To overcome this, the home theater can be an option. May be a little costly, but quite effective if you're lazy walk to the cinema and wanted to stay relaxed in the house.

Importantly, the entertainment media in the house should be designed as possible. With the creation of interior designs tailored to your tastes and family, watching at home could be more fun. The first thing you should do when building a home theater is to choose a room.

According to Brad Waite, an engineer from Integrity home theater Home Theatre based in the United States, the size and location of space will have real consequences on how and when you enjoy your home theater.

For example, make sure your room is large enough so that you can install a large screen TV, surround sound speakers, and furniture for you and friends sit comfortably watching a movie. You must also choose the room is relatively quiet and if possible a soundproof.

If your home theater room is right next to baby's bedroom, you may not be able to play movies with sound echoing in the night.

"A large room with a distance that is isolated from the bedroom and the living is the best place for your home theater," he said, as quoted by page

After that, he continued, looking for the type and size of the right TV. Generally, most people prefer wide-screen projector TV, LCD flat screen or plasma TV. It is also possible to receive digital video signals from the projector. A size 27-inch TV is the minimum size for the home theater.

If you choose a larger TV, you should consider where you will put the TV. After that, when you buy a TV, also need to consider the quality of the picture and the word "resolution". Most people today prefer to TV with high definition because it provides the best image quality.

The use of HDTV technology is now also being hunted for complete home theater system at home. The majority of flat-screen TVs and projectors can reproduce high quality with a resolution of 780p and 1.080p format that can be found in HDTV. You also must choose a receiver that functions to process digital signals as well as amplifiers.

Just like the TV at the center of the video, home theater receiver in the audio reproduction is your brain. Receiver not only provides power for the speakers, but also control inputs such as CD players, DVD players, turntables, other media devices, and a number of power on the audio on your TV set.

Input in the home theater is the brain of the whole home theater setup because it provides inputs for all components and speakers. Whether it is connected through a speaker cable, RCA cable, S-Video port, portUSB, high definition multimedia interface (HDMI), optical port, and ports and other additional interfaces.

Home theater sound is also digitally processed in order to create a sound environment with surround sound. Surround sound speakers can better "read" if placed strategically around the seat to display a thundering voice.

"Some of the available surround sound formats are Dolby Pro Logic II, Dolby Digital, DTS, THX Surround, and DTS-EX." Surround sound format allows you to increase the number of speakers from 5 to 6 different types and one subwoofer, "said Waite.

After purchasing the receiver, knowing how much power the amplifier is owned and types of digital surround sound formats available, you can now select the surround sound speakers. Home theater receiver can play a set of sounds, either 5.1 or 6.1 format.

This means a 5.1 system, you should have 2 separate front speakers (front left and front right), a center speaker and two rear speakers (sometimes referred to as surround sound speakers), also equipped with a subwoofer. For 6.1 systems, you must install the speakers set on top, coupled with additional speakers in the rear.

In addition to TV screens, receivers, and surround sound speakers, you need other components to play movies on your home theater. Waite explains, these components include DVD players, high-definition DVD players, CD players, media player (plays data files such as MP3 and WMA formats, as well as a turntable).

For DVD players, there are currently three different DVD format is a standard DVD, HD DVD, and Bluray. Bluray and HD DVD format is a new player that can play movies with high definition quality.

In addition to video components, you may still want to enjoy your favorite CD collection and listen to music with the latest digital devices such as MP3 and WMA files.

"For the true music lovers there are still other options to listen to your old vinyl albums with the latest technology, with high quality turntable that can be connected to a home theater receiver," he said.


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