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Swimming pool is one of the complementary elements of the house. Her presence is increasingly in demand lately, so that the pool design becomes increasingly diverse.

Now all that is needed is the way the occupants of the house to make the pond to be nice and attractive buildings in accordance with the aesthetics of the home. Making the pool design was not original. Many factors must be taken to ensure that its presence can be in accordance with the design of the main building.

According to architect Ward Widjaja, there are eight things to think about the inhabitants of the house to make a swimming pool, namely ideas and careful thought. Having a pool at home can be a good choice if your hobby is swimming. However, we sometimes do not think about other things as well.

For example, call Widjaja, we have little land, but to create a pool needed a wide area. Therefore, a wide area to support the comfort and security of its users. Another case when we want to make a fish pond or plant pond water.

"But now it's really sold a lot of fiberglass swimming pools. Pool at any time can be moved to another place to taste. Although less practical, the reality is the use of pools of this type can be used as a solution by homeowners who have a narrow area, "said Widjaja.

Another thing to consider is functionality. That is, what function we want to make happen when want to make a swimming pool?

Is it just a matter of aesthetics, luxury, or something else like to exercise and health reasons? If all questions are answered, the next thing to think about the budget.

Budget is divided in two: for the manufacture and maintenance. Budget-making will greatly affect the area and volume pool, pond shape, or material that would be used.

"Budget is important because it thought would be related to maintenance in the future," said Widjaja.

Meanwhile, the maintenance budget allocated for the cleansing and antiseptic substances in the pond. And there's the cost for electrical equipment such as pool lighting at night or water pump.

"Usually there are also residents who use the pool maintenance services," said the architect.

Furthermore, do not ignore the location of the pool. In general, the pool was built behind the house, although some are placed beside the house and even around the dwelling.

"So as if the house floating on water," said Widjaja.

The location of the pool is concerned with aesthetics. "A good swimming pool is designed with the arrangement and form fitting. Likewise Other aspects such as landscape a neat, so the house looks more attractive, "said Widjaja.

The design house did influence the model pool to be created. For example, call Widjaja, when the house is dominated soft colors, the pool was advised to apply a soft color palette.

"In contrast, if the house we live in to apply the color contrast. Pool should use colors that contrast well, let's say pink floor, while the purple edges, "advises Widjaja.

Generally, residents create a pool with the reasons for wanting some privacy. Thus, privacy is also important to note. Take for example, Muslim women do not want to disclose his private parts in public. So, they chose to make a pool at home in order to remain able to undergo a hobby swim.

Various Functions

The swimming pool has a variety of functions. Not only displays the aesthetic function, but also related to health and hobbies. In addition, the pool is also able to strengthen the ties among members of the family.

"The swimming pool is not just an arena for swimming, but also means of unifying families. You see, nuclear family with a different family home or other relatives can use this pool to do activities together, "said Widjaja.

Swimming pools can even raise the value of selling the house. This means that the pool also has a business function.

"But it all remains are returned to prospective home buyers, because there are some people who do not want a pool in their home area. The reason, maintenance is expensive and unsafe for children, " Widjaja.

Make a hobby of swimming, the presence of a pool at home is certainly very desirable. When the pond was enabled to swim, should be formed rectangle.

"Usually, the minimum length of the pool must be sufficient or at least adapted to the existing standards," said Widjaja.

The pool is equipped with straps that may be floating or ground. If a pond to be adjusted to your taste and aesthetics, you may make heart-shaped swimming pool, oval, or even a figure eight in the middle of a small coconut trees planted.


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