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Without the cost, time, and a lot of work, a hobby you can play music at home. The trick, create a personal music studio.

Everyone's needs are certainly different. It also determines who will enjoy a room need to be designed or not, not least the music studio. Make a hobby of playing music or a job as a musician, of this room is needed to carry out their activities.

With the same reason, in order to save time, cost and personnel, some people design a personal music studio. The room is so important rather than having to hire outside the home.

So, how to design? According to architect Jos Villys Yoenan, music studio can be important because of the background to the owner of the house who is a musician and often make their own recordings. But for some people outside of it, rarely applied music studio at home because its maintenance costs are relatively expensive and the area takes quite a lot of places.

"Thus, many musicians who choose to rent a studio to make music outside than at home," said Yos.

Before building a music studio, there are several aspects that need to be considered by the owner home.Yang first is the availability of space. That is, if there was an empty space or land that is unused so it can be made of new space. But if space does not exist, the unification of function space to be one of the alternative ways that homeowners can still channel his desire to create a personal music studio.

Designing a Private Music Studio
Designing a Private Music Studio
"Maybe if from the beginning of building a home music studio have a desire to blaze it will be easier to design it. Thus, each time building a house, an architect must interview the owner first, and made room connectedness, "said Yos.

Unlike the case when the studio space that will be designed just after house blaze had long finished. That is, the desire to design a private studios emerged as a hobby that is being actively conducted jealous.

So, perhaps you can do is take advantage of the area under the house. Usually people use the basement or near the carport. Therefore, the space where you can make the room soundproof. In addition, of the area can also be closed without having to destroy all the beauty around.

"Rather than put on the second floor, in the sense of the condition many people passing in the area or the second floor was used as a family gathering, but suddenly there is an enclosed space in there, too, that even so it looks like a warehouse and not beautiful . Hence, people commonly use the ground floor near the carport or basement, "said alumnus of the University of Bina Nusantara Jakarta.

The standard size of a music studio, called Josh, to provide sufficient band 4x5 square meters of land. Of that size, you can fill the music room with a microphone, two large speakers, drum tools, and guitar. But if you want to add a recording studio accessories, you must provide the extra land in order to measure 3x4 meters square with an area of ​​land, users can always feel comfortable.

Another thing to note is the ceiling height. The size of the ceiling could be decisive to create the impression of space in space, is no exception to the music studio. Therefore, the closed nature of space, if not supported with the right proportion, instead will make users uncomfortable. In this case, with a land size of 4x5 meters, you can build a ceiling height of about 2.6 to 2.7 meters.

"It would be better if the ceiling is not made too high. Therefore, the higher the ceiling, then the sound wave will be even greater so that the voice or sound that comes out to be unsatisfactory, "said Yos.

In addition, continued Yos, high ceilings also trigger the air more. Music studios tend to use a water conditioner (AC). Inevitably, in order to get a cooler temperature, automatic power needed for air conditioning are also relatively larger in order to convenience users continues.

With great power will trigger the energy that comes out more and not energy efficient. Regarding the other important elements such as elektronikal and mechanical, would have been able to set up from scratch before wrapping or sound dampening material was applied. Therefore, it is most important. If elements such as switches have been made recently, will make the job twice.

The next plan to consider is ventilation, air conditioning or equipment such as insulation and soundproofing grown on gypsum ceiling or floor.

"Ideally, put the rockwool in gypsum partition, either on the ceiling and floor and partition walls. Or it could also coated the exterior with a cloth in order to muffle the sound, "said Yos.

Source : Sindo


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