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To get earthquake-resistant homes, which must be considered not only the building structure. Interior design portion of the house was supposed to get the same attention.

Of the many problems that occurred in Indonesia, an earthquake is one of the most common disasters. Not infrequently, many victims who fell because of falling furniture in the house. Therefore, it is important for us to consider matters relating to interior design is good and safe, besides of course the house structure.

According to Bambang Eryudhawan architect, there are two principles to consider when arranging home interior, particularly in areas that are often an earthquake. Among other things, first, try to use furniture that does not hurt in an earthquake.

While the second principle, that furniture should not obstruct the evacuation of people falling out of the house at the time of the earthquake. Both of these principles, Bambang, becomes the most essential for managing the interior of the house.

Because, when an earthquake is usually people tend to look for a sturdy piece of furniture as a temporary shelter, such as a table for example. If the furniture is used as a shelter does not have optimal strength, it is not impossible that sheltering someone was going to hit the ceiling too.

Another problem occurs when the evacuation of casualties after the quake, the possibility of aftershocks usually very large. To that end, the most likely to do is go out to find a place open.

Interior Designing Earthquake Resistant
Interior Designing Earthquake Resistant
"We're not talking a matter of seconds. If the person wants out but is blocked by furniture that falls right near the door or exit access, means the same thing, is not safe, "said Bambang.

So, what kind of interior is good and safe, particularly for areas that are often an earthquake? Bambang suggested, start arranging knick-knacks in the house. That is, goods that are removable should not be placed at the top or above the cabinets.

It would be better knick-knacks are put on the table, with a size standard under the eye, not above the eye. But if there should be on display, items should be safely placed so as not to easily fall if there are shocks. However, another case of what often happens is, many cabinets are falling and can not be avoided.

"If this occurs, you should select a character that is not heavy cabinets. That is, the material chosen can be made from plywood or plywood so that if the hit is not too injured, "said Bambang.

However, another problem arises when residents should take cover under furniture as the first action to protect themselves. If so, this most likely do is take cover under furniture that is sturdy and strong.

"Take cover under a table is usually an attempt to avoid ceiling collapse. Therefore, the ceiling is usually designed not as strong as walls and floors, "said Bambang.

To that end, from the beginning of building should be able to imagine a character and choose the furniture strong and sturdy as teak. The goal, so when an earthquake happens and there are residents who take refuge under furniture is relatively safer.

Another thing is, because the furniture is easy to collapse, often much furniture blocking access in and out of the household. That is, the path of human motion greatly affects the placement of furniture in the room. For that, you should not leave furniture near the door or access in and out of the house, so when the earthquake, the furniture falling does not hinder access to residents who ran out of the house.

Source : Okezone


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