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Today bathrooms are no longer displayed as is. There are many creations are built to create an unforgettable sensation there. The design uses elements of nature with rocks and plants are allowed to flourish can add to the impression of beautiful space.

Objects that are used. As an ornament room can not only soothe the eyes, but also stimulate the other senses. Take for example, the ear will be stimulated by listening to the gurgling sound of water or the skin on the soles of the feet will feel rough floors made of natural stone.

"Applying the design bathroom nuanced countryside is already widely implemented. For example by using a wide aperture to further enable the lighting as well as incorporating elements of color that comes from trees, "says architect Rizky Artando.

Natural appearance in the Bathroom
Natural Bathroom
If you currently want to design a bathroom with a natural feel, the main thing to consider is the type of material used.

"What is needed to give a natural impression in the bathroom is the addition of coral stone or natural stone used for flooring bath. Others room, the stones can also be used as an ornamental wall," continued Rizky.

Typically, natural shades bathroom more often use a wooden tub or shower in creation, such as artificial waterfall. If you want a shower, you should use a conventional shower that does not remove the water was too swift.

Therefore, the use of this particular shower is very appropriate to be applied in the natural themed bathroom. "The advantage of using a shower like this, especially by adding a good medium of exchange of air, sunlight can make more free to enter. That way, would create the bathroom go green. The bathroom can feel much healthier, "said Rizky.

In addition to the use and selection of natural stone shower to add a natural impression, other ornaments that you can use is a wooden limb that could creation a towel or clothes hangers in the bathroom. The addition of other bathroom equipment should also receive individual attention, such as sinks, faucets, and bathtubs can take design inspiration from nature.

"The equipment is made of clay are more often added to the bathroom with a natural feel," he said.

If you want a more powerful impression, there is no harm in trying to touch or play with animals display lighting system that can create the impression of a more gentle and romantic nature in the bathroom.

Not infrequently did the bathroom with the natural background is presented with the feel of a slightly open. In other words, do not use the cover is quite unique roof. Concept, moreover, the impression can directly open and natural feel.

"In essence, in making the bathroom with the concept of nature, which must be considered is the use of the material. Try to choose a material that is waterproof and easy to clean, "advises Rizky.

The use of natural stone coated coating is the right choice to bring the sensations experienced in an open-roofed bathroom. Only, which must be considered is the possibility of rain.

"The way around this is to consider the distance of the bathroom area with an open area about 60 centimeters," said Rizky.

In addition to the use of materials and ornaments, lights and colors in the bathroom should also be considered.

"Usually the bathroom light on the concept of nature is not made too obvious. Lamp type of soft tones can be selected to give emphasis ornaments in the bathroom, "said interior designer Ary Indra.

Colors are often applied in the bathroom of this type tend to like the monochrome green and brown. Elements such as wood and stone are always highlighted with a natural. The Meaning form, without using makeup.

Source : Okezone


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